Saturday, June 19, 2010

VQ Startup

Before we put the engine in the car, we wanted to make sure it worked so we made a stand on wheel dollies and wired it up! Used a 1x4 to mount all of our switches, relays, fuses... and even the throttle pedal. First time we hit the starter, nothing. Seconds time she started right up! Man, that was gratifying...

Pictures of the "control board"...

Closer... You can see in the background the two fuel lines running to the 240sx. We just cut the stock fuel lines in the 240 and used those to fuel the VQ instead of having to rig up some external gas tank.

Wiring goodness.. Really wasn't bad at all once you figure out where everything goes. Weeks of studying the FSM but the actual wiring could be done in an hours time... Notice the gas pedal on there, ha!

Engine Pull!



On the lift...

Friday, June 18, 2010

First Post

Just setting up my swap journal... hopefully other can use this information and learn from it.